HR Support

Vår gedigna HR-kompetens inom bolaget möjliggör att vi kan stötta med olika frågor relaterade till HR, både på en senior strategisk nivå till rent operativt stöd. Våra lösningar är flexibla utifrån era behov där vi kliver in som er partner under en överenskommen tid. 

Ett urval av projekt och processer som vi erbjuder:

  • Relocation

  • Employer Branding

  • Onboarding

  • Digitalisering och verktyg

  • Retention

  • Lönebenchmarking

We have hired Intrec Consulting for several years, both in terms of training our HR staff in recruitment/search and also as interim recruiters. Their approach as interim recruiters has suited us extremely well, as they act as an in-house remote recruiter, who takes responsibility for the full circle process including search if needed for any kind of role.

They helped us with sourcing tech candidates and it included the research, outreach and booking of interviews of relevant candidates to the Hiring Manager and full circle recruitment. Every month we had a meeting to follow up on delivered services and to discuss future expectations.

This has been a good and safe relief for us and through Intrec Consulting we have made several successful recruitments! They work very professionally, but at the same time have a warm and personal appearance. The perfect combination!

Sara Byrlind
Employer Branding Consultant & Project Manager, AddPro